Homeless Assistance
Project Homeless Education Renewing Opportunities (Project HERO) is dedicated to providing students identified as homeless with the support and tools necessary to succeed in school.
- Every student identified as homeless is entitled to a free and appropriate public education.
- Homeless students will receive the same core curriculum and experiences that other students receive.
- Homeless students will have expedited evaluations and receive services as needed.
- Homeless students may participate in after-school activities and programs in which students not facing homelessness participate.
The McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act defines homelessness as:
- Anyone who lacks a regular, fixed, and adequate nighttime residence.
- Sharing of housing due to economic struggles (doubled-up, tripled-up).
- Anyone living in a shelter, hotel, or motel.
- Any public place not designed for sleeping (cars, parks).
- Unaccompanied youth.
- Children or youth abandoned in hospitals.
- Migrant children who qualify under any of the above.
Every school-age student has the right to free public school education and to the following:
- Go to school, no matter where they live now or how long they have lived there.
- Continue in the school they attended when they became homeless or attend the current neighborhood school based on the best interest of the student. Parent has the right to determine the placement that is in the best interest of their child.
- Receive assistance with transportation to the school of origin if appropriate.
- Participate in Project HERO services.
- Enroll in the neighborhood school without giving proof of residency.
- Register and attend classes while the school arranges for the transfer of school records.
- Parent has the right to participate fully in all school-related decisions related to their child and all school advisory activities.
The Health Clerks in each school office has been designated as the homeless education site liaison. Please contact your school site’s Health Clerk if you need assistance with any of the following:
- School clothing
- School supplies
- Food resources
- After school care
- Counseling
- Health or dental care
- Housing resources
Please contact Project HERO homeless liaison for any other needs or to assist with any enrollment disputes.
Cristina Keller, Project HERO Homeless Liaison (714) 761-5533 x4537 [email protected] |