Smarter Balanced Assessment (SBAC)

In April, all parents of 3rd-6th graders receive a letter describing the upcoming Smarter Balanced assessment process.

Preparing For Testing

These guides provide information about the Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments, including sample test items for English language arts/literacy and mathematics. This information will help parents better understand their children's test results.

Understanding the CAASPP Scores

In August, parents will receive a score report for their child's performance on the CAASPP assessment. Click on the links below to view a video on how to interpret the score report:


CAASPP Score Ranges

On the Smarter Balanced Assessment (CAASPP) students score within 4 overall performance levels: Standard Exceeded, Standard Met, Standard Nearly Met, and Standard Not Met.

Claim Descriptors

Each student's overall score is also broken down into claims. The claims for English language arts include reading, writing, listening, and speaking. The claims for mathematics are concepts and procedures, problem-solving and data analysis, and communicating reasoning.
Want to see the types of questions students will be asked on the Smarter Balanced test?