Expanded Learning Program
Register for the 2024-2025 School Year After School Program
What is Expanded Learning?
According to the California Department of Education, “Expanded Learning refers to before and after school, summer, and intersession learning experiences that develop the academic, social, emotional, and physical needs and interests of students. Expanded Learning should be hands-on, engaging, student-centered, results-driven, involve community partners, and complement learning activities in the regular school day/year."
After School Program
The Magnolia School District offers a comprehensive after school program that is FREE to all TK-6th grade students.
Magnolia School District Expanded Learning Program (ELP) offers C.H.A.M.P.S. (Character ● Health ● Academics ● Mindfulness ● Performances and Arts ● STEM).
This FREE program runs Monday through Friday, from school dismissal to 6:00 pm.
- Activities are in block times to provide families choice of days and pick up times based on need.
- Activities include(but not limited to):
- Academic Tutoring and Support
- Sports Program
- Arts and Crafts Program
- STEM Activities
- Activities are designed to offer expanded learning opportunities to all students.
- All meals and snacks are provided free of charge.
For questions contact: [email protected] or (714) 761-5533 x1119