Expanded Learning Program » Family Portal and App Support

Family Portal and App Support

What is the Family Portal?

  • The Family Portal is where you will track and update your child’s information, upload documents, and even complete an application for the program.
  • View each child’s contact, medical, pick-up, and guardian information by clicking on the icon with the child’s first initial. The pencil icon next to their name will allow you to edit.

How do I access the online registration?

  • Online registration makes applying to a session as easy as online shopping.
  • Go to Magnolia School District website
    • Select Expanded Learning
    • Select school of attendance

How do I add sessions to my cart?

  • You select sessions by Program, Location, and Session Date Range.
  • Some sessions display age restrictions. Online registration will automatically confirm your child’s age when you complete the application.
  • When you’ve found a session you wish to enroll in, select the number of Participants you’d like to enroll from the drop-down and Add to cart. 
  • If you are signed into the Family Portal, sessions in your cart will be saved for 30 days. If a session in your cart reaches maximum enrollment before you’ve placed your order, you’ll be prompted to remove the session from your cart.

How do I complete my application?

  • Select your cart in the top-right corner of your screen to review your order and proceed with registration. From there, use the Previous and Next buttons to update to an application and/or to navigate between multiple applications.

How do I know my application was successful?

  • After successfully submitting your application, you will be redirected to an order summary page and receive an email confirmation of your application(s). 

Families AppArly Logo



How do I download the Arly for Families App?

  • Search for “Arly for Families” in Google Play or the Apple App Store. 

How do I log in to the Arly Families App?

  • Use your Family Portal username and password for the Arly for Families App.

How do I change the settings, including language in my app?

  • Tap the gear icon in the upper-right corner. You can modify your email, password, language, and push notification preferences.
  • Change your password in your settings and it will apply to both the Family Portal and the App.

How do I customize push notifications for my app?

  • Personalize notification settings for newsfeed and for chat. Once push notifications are toggled on, you can further customize how notifications are displayed through the notification settings on your mobile device.

Where can I find announcements and updates about my child’s program?

  • The newsfeed from your child’s program will be the first thing you see when you open the app!
  • New announcements will appear in a different color and be pinned at the top of the page for 36 hours.

How can I contact and message my child’s program staff?

  • Tap the direct message icon on the bottom navigation bar.